Caleb Roam is a Design/ Engineer based out of the Greater Kansas City area.
Caleb attended college at University of Missouri Kansas City and Kansas Sate University in Manhattan, KS to study architecture, only to become captivated by furniture and product design. With dreams of becoming the next great architect, he took a hard pivot after finding a passion for smaller scale products.
He has spent his career in the millwork, casework, furniture, and manufacturing industry. For over the past decade he has amassed a wealth of knowledge in a variety of trades, skills, and computer programs. He has a passion for perfecting his techniques and discovering new skills.
When you don’t find him at work you will probably find him cooking food for his family, at his daughters’ soccer games and dance recitals , or reading to them stories about a Paper Bag Princess. If his family can spare him the free time he will be on the links with friends playing golf or in his garage woodshop making furniture for his home.
(816) 809-6638